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As I write this post its apparent that the seasons are definitely changing. The leaves are turning and already beginning to fall, leaving a decent covering on the driveway! If I’m being completely honest, as much as I love the changing seasons and the colours of autumnal leaves, the leaf clutter and debris is the bain of my life. It’s one of the disadvantages of living on Aigburth Road – a sentiment shared by fellow residents I’m sure! However, our driveway seems to collect more than its fair share– at least that’s how it feels to me!!!!

We were so grateful a few months ago when a couple from church arrived at the Vicarage with a gift. Imagine my delight when they presented us with a petrol blower!!! Soon enough I had the motor ticking over nicely -what a joy!!

So it was this morning that I ventured out and started the little beauty up – within seconds I had a large bundle of leaves gathered up, the power of the engine was blowing leaves all over the place, some flying into the air, others scurrying along the floor, some joining together and rolling as one. All going ‘eventually’ in the same direction with one goal and there was me with the power in my hand directing operations!

In many ways this is a vision of the church and our own Christian journey. Sometimes it might appear that we seem to drift aimlessly along, possibly feeling without a specific purpose or direction. Yet there are other times when we are moving quickly with real focus/purpose and along the way we get caught up with others who are like minded and travelling in the same direction. However, the important thing to remember in all of this is that someone is in charge of the blower! Someone is directing operations.

You see, just as God is in control of the changing seasons, He is also in control of the things that are happening in our lives. We need to learn to trust Him in all things, both big and small, this is where faith comes in. Its knowing that God has His hands on us and He is shaping and moulding us along the way. It might be at times that we feel distant from Him and it might be at times we feel so attuned that His presence is tangible. One point to note however, is that the leaves where all heading in the same direction. God’s plan for us as individuals and for us as a church fellowship is that we all grow in His likeness. How?

This is the final point about the leaves. The thing that causes them to move is the wind, in this case caused by the motor. The Hebrew word for the Holy Spirit is ‘Ruach’ – when translated Ruach means ‘WIND’ or put another way the breath of God. As Christians when we welcome God into our lives, He quite literally ‘breathes’ life into us, He places His Holy Spirit in our hearts and its His spirit that works with ours to enable us to experience the love of God and equips us to grow in our faith. Its also His indwelling Spirit living in us that points to the family likeness in other Christians and deepens our fellowship. I don’t know about you, but there are so many times when having a conversation with a complete stranger that I can sense the ‘family likeness’, in other words you can tell they are Christians! This is how God is able to ensure that we are (if we are serious about following God) heading in the same direction, with one purpose, why – because we are united by our faith and directed by the Holy Spirit.

This Autumn as we watch the leaves falling, lets be reminded that God is in control and that his ‘Ruach’ will continue to lead us and guide us as we put our faith and trust in Him.


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